Check out Our Community!

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We use to co-ordinate our community check it out.

Two NFT's that are games

Current Tournament

Generative Dungeon
Playable Dungeons

Gmoney Aquisition

Brick Breaker
Fully On Chain

Hello and welcome to the Blue Box Gaming Community.

A place where we can gather and meet like-minded gamers that love to play, love to test, and or love to build.

This community has web3 on its mind and loves to push the boundaries of what is possible.

This is a place of gaming, education, and growth.

 Our community is respectful, inclusive, and supportive. We ask that you maintain & nurture those values.

We believe that each gamer should be rewarded for time and effort.

This community is partici


This is our discord community visualized in a choose your own adventure game.

Our Community Adheres to a set of Virtues.

"All Travelers Possess Splendid Manners." 

Intelligent Discourse and Logical Debate are always welcome in the appropriate channels as long as parties remain respectful of each other and their audience, "First and Foremost."

No Posting, Discussion, or ANYTHING related to Politics, Nationalism, War, Religion, Science, or anything pertaining to these subjects with the "Sole Intent to Troll."

"Nothing Gets A Traveler Better Results Than Compassionate Understanding."

Bullying or shaming of any kind is Totally Unacceptable. ANY and ALL reports of serious Bullying or Harassment on the Server will be treated with a Zero Tolerance Policy.

Joking around is fine. Treat others how you want to be treated. Obsessive slurs, raging or general toxicity will NOT be tolerated In text chat, voice chat, or otherwise.

"All Travelers Know and Understand the Laws of Karmic Value ."

It is said that karma transcends lifetimes. We believe in providing 10x the value in anything you do.

"All Travelers Understand the Power of Collaborative Efforts."

Introduce yourself and welcome others as they join us on our travels!

Please follow Discord rules. Failure to do so will result in a ban and you will be reported to Discord.

"All Travelers Understand that Self-Regulation is the Best Form of Governance"

Staff is NOT here to handle Inter-Personal Drama. If this becomes a repetitive issue you will be asked to edit your behavior or leave.

If you have a conflict with someone from another server, please be respectful and not bring that conflict into our Server.

If someone offends you, please do not tell a member of staff UNLESS they have broken a rule OF the Server ON the Server. Just block them and/or mute them and move on.

If you are found to have Malicious intent towards others, whether that be attempting to bypass Server rules or Discord TOS, or attempts of doxing, you will be banned and reported for said Harassment.

"All Travelers Understand that Self Acceptance is the Basis for Happiness"

You may only have 1 Account per Person on the Server*

This is so alternate accounts cannot be used to evade punishment and or deliver Malicious Attacks against the Community.

"Nothing Gets A Traveler Better Results Than Compassionate Understanding."

Bullying or shaming of any kind is Totally Unacceptable and any and all Reports of serious Bullying or Harassment on the server will be treated with a 0 tolerance policy.

Joking around is fine. Treat others how you want to be treated. Obsessive slurs, raging or general toxicity will also NOT be tolerated In text chat, voice chat, or otherwise
Our Membership
Here is a peak at some of our NFTs, you can mint a Traveler Pass today for free!
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(just pay gas)

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Free Mint
(just pay gas)

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